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GEO SDG Awards Program
The 2025 GEO SDG Awards call for nominations has ended. Check here in April when winner announcements are made. Thanks to all who submitted nominations!
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a universal set of priorities to use as a blueprint of action for people, the planet, and prosperity. Earth observations, geospatial data, and the information they provide play insightful roles in monitoring targets, tracking progress, as well as helping nations and stakeholders make informed decisions toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Group on Earth Observations Sustainable Development Goals (GEO SDG) Awards recognizes the productivity, innovation, novelty, and exemplary efforts in the use of Earth observations to support sustainable development. Launched in 2019, this annual award is presented to those making an impact on the 17 global goals put forth by the United Nations, as indicated by progress toward achieving a SDG Target and/or reporting on a SDG Indicator.
Who Can Be Nominated?
Any organization that has used Earth observations or geospatial data to support sustainable development practices, analysis, or reporting is eligible to apply for a 2025 GEO SDG Award. You may nominate your own team/organization, or you may nominate someone else.
We encourage members, partners, and programs of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to apply; however, nominees are not required to be affiliated with GEO. We also strongly urge applications from across civil society, the commercial sector, academia, SDG custodian agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and inter-governmental organizations.
What Awards are Given?
The GEO SDG Awards Program offers two types of awards. Sectoral Category Awards recognize different types of organizations. Special Category Awards recognize specific key tenets related to the integration of Earth observations and sustainable development.
For more details on these two types of awards, see our Selection Criteria.
Evaluation and Selection
The EO4SDG Initiative Team, in consultation with the GEO Secretariat, will invite community members to serve on the Evaluation Panel. The Panel will include subject matter experts, SDG specialists, and Earth observation and geospatial experts. The Evaluation Panel will review the nominations and select finalists for each of the Sectoral Category awards and each of the Special Category awards. The Evaluation Panel will then select 0-2 winners for each of the Sectoral Category awards and 0-3 winners for each of the Special Category awards.