The EO4SDG Annual Meeting was held virtually on November 18-19, 2020. The meeting included presentations from three of the four newly formed GEO Working Groups – Capacity Development, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction – and the Urban Resilience Programme
Announcing GEO SDG Awards 2020 Winners
Launched last year, the GEO SDG Awards Program, led by the EO4SDG initiative, recognizes institutions, organizations and countries that are applying Earth observations towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We are pleased to announce the winners of the
Announcing the GEO SDG Awards 2020
Update: The call for nominations period has been extended to July 17, 2020. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a universal set of priorities to use as a blueprint of action for people, the planet, and prosperity. Earth observations,
2019 GEO SDG Award Winners
The GEO SDG Awards Program, led by the EO4SDG initiative, was designed to recognize institutions, organizations and countries that are applying Earth observations towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Here are the winners for the Group on Earth Observations