Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements
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The Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements: Overview and Progress to Date
The Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements ( represents an ongoing effort to put Earth observations (EO) data and tools into context for analysts in national and city governments, and at local community level. Additional target audiences include policy and decision makers, executive managers and the urban sustainability-interested public. The Toolkit focuses on end user stories that highlight EO applications to improve the timeliness and quality of urban-related indicators, guide policies, and support sustainable urban development. It is a multi-stakeholder partnership that facilitates engagement among local communities, cities, national agencies, and EO experts. It also aims to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration between local communities, cities and countries.
GEO SDG Toolkits Concept Paper
While Earth Observations (EO) are a critical data source for monitoring and driving progress against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN member states do not always recognize or have the capacity to leverage this value. The GEO EO4SDG initiative plans to develop online toolkits, encompassing relevant EO datasets, available tools and platforms, training material, as well as use cases and national experiences per SDG theme, target, and indicator supported by Earth observations (EO).
The primary purpose for developing these toolkits is to provide methodological advice and practical guidance on EO approaches, and assist governments in designing and applying EO-integrated SDG methodologies and more effective and timely policy responses.