ESA BioSpace25: 10-14 February
BIOSPACE25 is the first international conference exclusively dedicated to the application of Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) across the various dimensions of biodiversity, and addressing the use of Earth Observations in all realms, from terrestrial, freshwater, coastal to marine ecosystems.
The BIOSPACE25 conference aims to present state-of-the-art SRS methodologies and technological solutions for biodiversity, to explore their uptake across various biodiversity domains, and to review the challenges that need to be primarily addressed to enhance the use of Earth Observations in biodiversity research and monitoring. The ultimate objective is to highlight the importance of collaborative efforts to integrate SRS technology at the forefront of biodiversity research, monitoring systems, and policy development and implementation strategies, and provide robust and cost-effective EO solutions that help countries implement effective National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
Participants will gain insights into the latest development in Space-based biodiversity monitoring, engage in discussions on the integration of SRS technology into biodiversity research, monitoring, and policy development and implementation, and contribute to shaping future directions in the field of biodiversity monitoring from Space.
Click here to learn more about the programme and see updates on digital participation access.